Sunday 26 April 2015

Day Documentary: My Ordinary Life

Nowadays, online presence is such an integral part of our identities. Whilst I love facebook and various other social media, I have recently become aware of its power over personal identity.

You can be whoever you want, show yourself in the best possible light and edit out any areas of yourself/ life that you would like. This is great for the self-esteem of the 'posters' but what about the viewers? What about those who stare solemnly at the various check-ins, flawless selfies and recent activities of others wishing they were in such a position - be it financial, social or whatever.

So my aim was to show my truest self - document an entire day through images and captions, with a hope that this trend may catch on and reveal reality in the virtual online worlds we live.

Here goes:

I wake up in the morning, usually with this little one curled up against me. (If he's back from exploring through the early hours of the morning outside) He'll always have a special place in my heart - filled the gap for all the babies I have lost and were never born to me!

I check to see what there weather will be like - perfect, sunny day. I'm in a good mood.

Dressed in my man's t-shirt and my best friends jammies she once left round and then said to keep, I'm ready to take the plunge out of bed. It's sunny, I'm well slept; so far, so good.

By the time I wake up, this is the only sign of my husband, and I'm relieved to know he has eaten, and it's quite a proud wife moment seeing that he has mastered putting his breakfast bits in the sink. 

So here's my very average breakfast - some sainsburys basics all-bran with dried fruits, and some lovely honey natural yogurt. Plain, but healthy and lovely. Hits the spot.

I would have liked to make myself a banana milkshake, but all I have are some tangerines and a dated sweet potato. 

I spot this dude - think he looks cute, so I give him a quick cuddle. His tilted head suggests to me he enjoys the embrace. So, I talk to him for a while, and kid myself that he has the faintest idea of what I'm blabbering on about. 

I turn on my very average shower - ready to wash for the morning.

I get out of the shower looking like this...

not like this -  who has perfectly straight hair and looks made up straight from the shower? I'm a human not a facebook profile. (I can't help the wonky eye -I think I'm probably a bit tired here still)

This is pretty much all I need to get ready, and sometimes my hair straighteners.

I look down at my leg and realise a very harsh reality of the night before. Went out on Saturday night, and we decided to stamp all over ourselves in the early hours of Sunday. I opt for trousers! 

I'm pretty much dressed and ready for work in about 20 minutes all in.

I might take a selfie if I feel that way. (I often do and this is what prompted this project.

So I have a glass of ordinary water; from the tap. No Harrogate, or fancy filter bottle -  just a glass and some free-flowing tappy. I am trying to stay health conscious hence my gulp of this pint of this Agua before I leave for work.

I drive a 12 year old Yaris that barely makes it to 80mph but I love it! This little car was given to me by the mother in law - what a lovely family!! Just so I could get to work during my teacher training UNPAID year. I have so much fun in the little red Yazza, and I feel fortunate to have her.

I've got half a tank of petrol that I've been savouring as I'm so skint this month I can't actually afford to keep filling up £20 every few days - this happens. It's boring. But it's reality.

I arrive at work and grab my 'go-to' morning bevvy. Nice cup of tea. The sainsbury's value teabag serves me well. Then it's off to work on the computers.

I'm joined by the girls (represented as two mugs while they pop out to grab some photocopying) and we have a brief chat catching up about the weekend before we all plan for various lessons, meetings and deadlines.

The feeling I get after a good lesson, and the desks are left tidy!

In the afternoon, I arrive home to see my little one waiting - what a cutie. The window is open so I assume Joe is home before me. This is a rarety.

I find my husband doing the least stereotypically manly job - but he's prepping for a business trip away. (again) He doesn't like my ironing because quite frankly, I just can't seem to get the creases out, and sometimes I even iron creases INTO his shirts which are impossible to reverse. We recognise our strengths and weaknesses and this household and it is thus that Joe irons his own work bits.

Lunch is a freshly cooked bacon sandwich with a lovely drizzle of the red stuff.

I quickly run out to the front, because I love him and just want to tell him bye.

I see Joe off, because I love him. I do really miss him on his trips away, but I am beyond proud of all he achieves.

I call to wish him safe travels - because I can.

Now that I'm a single cat parent for the next few days, tasks like these fall on me. Nah, I love it really, but I do have a big workload in the form of university assignments AND lesson planning ahead, so this is a nice way to chill out and ensures that Charlie is not neglected. Besides, I'm hoping he will go outside and enjoy the sunshine, then be tired out and snoozing as I work in the evening.

Here I am, sitting down to work. You will notice I'm in front of the TV... This is because my laptop screen is ruined and can only be used when connected to an external monitor. It's great in terms of saving money, but not so ideal for my neck. Mi little one, keeps me company as he sits on the windowsill, but is contemplating venturing outside.

Chaz is back from enjoying the fresh air, and I have worked for nearly 2 hours and had enough. I need to get out and do something as a whole night of this awaits me!

I quickly get myself ready for a run - I haven't quite decided where I would like to go yet, but the Downs on a sunny day is my favourite place to be when outdoors. So I opt for a run on the Downs. HILL RUNNING is not the nicest way to start running for the year but I'm excited and keen for my first run of 2015!
Here's me on my 4th lap - beautiful. Sea, sun and blue skies with fresh air!

After 1.2 miles and conquering this beast, I'm spent. What a lovely view - and I'm feeling great. A nice 20 minutes of exercise - there is no excuse to not make time for moments like these!!

I'm exercised and happy.

On my way home, I stop off in town to get myself a book - I need something to keep myself occupied or else I miss Joe! :( Sad I know, but it could be worse.

I must remember my housewife duties. I may not iron, but I definitely WASH! and if I leave these bad boys out... we live in England - there is every chance it will rain!

It's time for shower number two and I try and make it brief to conserve water. This is not a money related thing... I just hate wasting water, especially when so much of the world goes without!! But even still, I can't go to bed smelling of the Downs, and sweat and running.

I close the blinds for the night and am nearly ready to settle down! On the to-do list: dinner, lesson planning, uni assignment and Charlie playtime.

 I begin the task of cooking, but am a good way through cooking them before I realise they're all connected still, and I need to cut them!! Oh dear!!

Dinner does turn out to be quite nice though - sausage with peas on a bed of 'patatas bravas'. Only downside is eating alone. Efren offered to come over and keep me company, but I opt just to drop him a food parcel and get on with uni work!

I spot the mounting recycling and am not excited.

I check inside the bin, and that's equally overflowing. The smells lingering aren't particularly pleasing and I know i should take out the bag...

but it's dark and I'm scared. For this reason also, I wish Charlie would hurry up indoors after his millionth venture out.

He's back - but he's camera shy, so this picture of the infamous hoody string and some lining of Joe's helmet will have to do. This is what we do. I drag this thing, and Char chases it. To him, it's heaven. Well actually, I think he would choose a box to jump in and out of - and that would be his idea of heaven. Anyway, I try and squeeze in a good 15/20 minute play session.

Then, I'm off again, working.

Last chore, I wash up. 
FINALLY have a chance to relax and have a read of this - 7 pages in and I'm blown away. Laughed actually out loud on every single page!!

About a minute or so after I turn the lights out, this cutie turns up, ready to keep me company!

Thank you for taking the time to read through this - It must have been tedious at points, but that was the purpose. I wanted to show a day of reality. THIS is my day, and my life in relaity. But according to social media it may have just been this:

Cheers, xx